HYDRO 2016 Paper 6A1
Marc Itgen, Jürgen Rüffer
Since a couple of years ALLSAT GmbH from Hannover operates a GNSS RTK system for precise positioning and navigation for the installation and operation of offshore wind farm infrastructure in the North Sea. The assigning consortium of Vattenfall Europe Windkraft GmbH and Stadtwerke München currently owns and operates the wind farms of DanTysk and Sandbank ca. 90 km west of the island of Sylt.
The presentation describes the requirements of the owners for such a system as well as the realisation of a redundant RTK system outside of existing GNSS services (e.g. SAPOS, AXIO-NET). In particular the characteristics of such installation and operation as well as numerous utilisations of the system and the cooperation of the owners and various service providers will be focused.