HYDRO 2016 Paper 3B4

Marine cadastre as an application of MSDI

Derrick R. Peyton, John Conyon, David Dodd


A Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI) is a framework consisting of marine geographic data, associated metadata, and the information technology infrastructure to enable the discovery and use of this data by the wider community. A well-known application of MSDI is the hydrographic chart as it consist of a representation of hydrographic data, as this data is immediately available and easily organised through hydrographic offices in standardised formats. Another application of MSDI is the marine cadastre.

A marine cadastre is a system of registries that allows for the systematic recording of all recognised legal rights, restrictions and responsibilities in the offshore area. On land, cadastral systems are an essential component in the land management structure and a pillar of economic development. They ensure the security of public and private interests and create a positive environment for investment. As a modified extension of the land cadastre, the marine cadastre is at the centre of the dynamics between usages and the ocean space. It requires accurate, up-to-date and complete information.

This paper presents some background information on MSDI and marine cadastre and discusses an idealised concept of how a multipurpose MSDI could operate.

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